Monday, October 28, 2013

Happy 1st Birthday: 12 things I couldn't live without these past 12 months

So yes I have taken a long pause from my blog. I've just been so busy! I've just been getting everything ready for my daughters very FIRST birthday! Oh and lets not forget that my only sister is getting married in just 2 short months!!! 
Where did the time go? 
I can't believe my daughter is a year already! I feel like she was just a little newborn only yesterday, making her little squeaking noises that her daddy and I use to joke about it sounding like the sink. All she would do is sleep! She would wake up, drink some yummy yummy breast milk and be OUT for what seemed like hours. She couldn't even move her head she was so little. :( And now she's running around the house, she eats food just like mommy does. She's talking. She hardly sleeps. She has 4 teeth that we know of. And she throws little tantrums when she's tired and cranky.
I just don't want her to grow up anymore. "Stay my little baby!" But then I would never get to see what great potential she has and what great she will do in this world.
Well anyways this past year has been such a blessing.
We love you so much! 
 30 October 2012 
30 October 2013 
(party the 2nd of Nov.) 

To celebrate our great year, here's:
12 things I couldn't live without these past 12 months. 
(Sorry in advance if it's a long read.) 
But being 100% real here, I lactate a lot! When Melody was born we had a few problems breastfeeding and so the hospital lactation consultant had me pump and bottle feed her after each feeding, just to get a little more food in her little belly. Which is what I think is to blame for my never ending need of breast pads. It has gotten better but at the beginning I use to have to switch out pads about 2-3 times a day. I thought it was such a waste of money so I tried the washable ones. It didn't work so well for me. They just give me an extra layer to leak through rather than absorb anything and I was having to change them almost every 30mins. But now I can go just about all day with the washables and I keep a some disposables in my bag just in case. 

As Melody got older she would get in these moods where she absolutely hated being strapped into anything! Whether its her high chair, her walker, any kind of baby carrier, seriously just about anything. She just really likes to walk around and hates things that limit her mobility. So as you can imagine car rides are very challenging. Luckily, for her baptism she got this wonderful toy lion that plays music when you squeeze his hands or feet. It was just about the only thing that would calm her down long enough to put her in the car.  However more recently if he is not around she will settle for two other toys that play music as well. Needless to say, those toys we leave in the car to make sure they are never left behind. 

Yes the book. It is Melody's favorite bedtime book when daddy stays late enough for bedtime. Probably mine too. For one simple reason, I read the "what do you see" part while her daddy will make a different sound for each and every animal in the voice of what her thinks they would sound like. Melody loves the different sounds, and mommy thinks it is just hilarious! 

So yeah I breast feed, and for the first several months of my little boogers life I was still working. So Breast milk freezer bags and a small ice bag I could fit in my purse was a must have! My by far favorite freezer bags are made by Lansinoh. They hold quite a bit of milk and have a two seals which I LOVE! No spills!!!

Like I said I use to work and needed to pump but now I only use them every now and then in case I need to go out. I have two. Both are Medela I have an electric one and a manual one. I personal like the manual better but, when I worked, I would use the electric one when I was driving home. 

I cloth diaper. So I have to have my cloth diapers and cloth wipes as a must! They are a little expensive but are worth every penny. Since my daughter could fit into them I have not spent money on any diapers or wipes. You end up saving money in the end.

Because as every cloth diaper mom knows, you have to have something to put the dirty diapers when you travel... I know some people use disposables when they are out but I didn't want Melody to get a rash from them, and I don't want to have them around as a fall back or I wouldn't be motivated to stay with cloth diapers.

I do breast feed in public but I don't like to expose myself. Just a personal choice. I know it is a natural thing to breastfeed and I'm not ashamed to do so but I just don't feel comfortable revealing my breast in public. especially since my daughter likes to pull off a lot to say "hi" and then go back to drinking. 
-she's such a booger :)

I homemade all of Melody's baby food since she started eating foods and all of these are a MUST! I know they make special products for making baby food but I didn't feel like I needed to buy a special steamer and blender all in one just for Melody's food when I already had a larger steamer and blender. Freezer trays to save extra made baby food to thaw later and togo containers, well, for carrying food togo.

I say this sadly because she had one blanket that was her favorite. It was so soft and when ever she was wrapped in it she would always sleep without a problem. It was like a miracle blanket! But sadly it is gone. I left it on a table at the GYM, called to make sure they still had it, and when I went for it they had no idea where it went. So we're looking to buy her a new one. :) 

Now that Melody is older, she doesn't mind it when she is tired or if we are walking a lot so she can look around. It is such a relief to have for quick errands and outings. I always just leave it in the car. 

So while transitioning to full time mommy I realized I needed a practical diaper bag, unlike the stylish large purse looking bag my honey bought for me when I was pregnant. With the cloth diapers I needed to pack, the wetbag, toys, nursing cover, extra clothes, and anything I needed to take with me, my bag was a nightmare!!!! But with money short I lived with it the best I could. Until one glorious morning my bag had enough as well and the strap broke. :/ So I invest in what I think is with out a doubt the greatest bag for a cloth diapered, baby carrier, breast feed baby. The JuJuBe BFF Diaper Bag. I can fit 4 cloth diapers in just the side pockets, extra wipes, a spray bottle, her food, extra clothes, a blanket, the wetbag, a nursing cover, and toys and teethers just in just the big zippered pocket, which unzips and opens wipe for easy access, and then there is still extra room for other items I may need or extra diapers. It also has a front pocket for anything I need right away, and a pocket for my cell phone made with a nice fabric so it doesn't scratch. It has a shoulder strap and back pack straps with makes carrying the back and her in the carrier so easy... I LOVE IT!!!!

And there, that's my list. :) 
Hope you liked it. 

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