Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Addition to the Family!

Sorry to disappoint, but this is just a picture of Melody. 
But look how cute she was as a little lima bean!!! :)

While look thing through old photos I saw this picture, not going to lie it got me thinking about how I want more kids -yes plural- someday. And then I started thinking about big families and how they all seem to be religious in one way or another. Why is that? It's not like to be a part of the faith you must have X amount of children.

It's because it's what our bodies are made to do. And if you are unsure of what I'm talking about, someone needs to have "the talk" with you. It's biology people. In simple terms:

____ and ____
sitting in a tree,
First comes love,
then comes marriage,
then comes baby in a baby carriage!

The number of children however is not a issue of faith at all. It's our society who feels the need to tell us to limit the children we have or "protect" ourselves from pregnancy as if it is a disease of some sort. But how can the natural process of life be a disease. Why can't our society except the fact that children are the result of something beautiful. Why do we have to be Catholic to have a large family. I remember awhile back reading on a site where a man was explaining this -forgive me I looked and looked and was unable to find it again to add a link- and while thinking about all of this a part of what he said popped into my head. 
He said something along the lines of: 
Yes the Catholic Church talks about the importance of large families. But if the Pope talked about the importance of music and I listened to Bach would you say it is because I'm Catholic and the Pope told me to? If I love my wife and find her beautiful and one thing leads to another, why should I have to explain?

And I just found that so perfect! So the way I see it, having a large family is not a careless way of life, you need to be protected from. It's not a Catholic way of life, in the since only Catholics should be having kids. It is a loving way of life. It's a reflection of the love you share as man and wife. A love that is so beautiful it has the capability of creating life!

Now women. You are beautiful and so beautifully made! 
Don't ever feel that pregnancy is a disease or a death sentence no matter your situation. We are so wonderfully blessed that we are capable of creating and sustaining growing and living human life in our wombs! If you ever feel like you can't go through with your pregnancy because of the persecution you fear from others, fiances, your situation, ANYTHING, know your not alone. They're people out there who can help you and be your support. If you want information on that I can get it for you. And pray! Pray to Mary the Mother of God. If anyone can understand motherhood and persecution it is her.

Men. My advice to you is short and sweet. It comes from something my daughters father once said. Be the men you would want for your daughters. 
Be that man to your mothers, to your girlfriends, and to your wives. And most of all teach that respect and love to all your children. Be a reflection of God. 
Gen 1:26-28 You were after all created in his image. 

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