Saturday, August 24, 2013

The Cheerio Trick.

Let me start with this:
Melody is at this magical stage were everything she holds goes straight into her mouth. 

And I don't mean food. I mean EVERYTHING!

Because why not? Shoes are clearly edible. Brush? EDIBLE. Books? EDIBLE. Food? Edib.... 
Wait, but no. Food is the ONE thing this child will not put in her mouth! She is eating finger foods now and no matter what it is she will not eat it.  Fruits and vegetables she just swishes up in her hand and smears in her hair. She'll eat them if we feed them to her but that kind of defeats the purpose of "finger foods." Finally we gave her Cheerios. She likes them and can gets them in her mouth every now and then. 

But here's the catch...

...she likes the drop them on the floor. 
 So this is The Cheerio Trick. Yes it is messy but it gives me a few minutes to get things done. Melody loves to be held when she's not feeling to great. And right now she has new teeth swelling up her top gums. And this particular day Melly was all fussy when I needed to fold the clothes. And as you can imagine folding clothes with one hand is extremely tricky, I did try it before the Cheerio trick. Yes we do have a carrier, two actually, the Moby and a Baby Bojou or whatever it's called. (it's a hammy down and the letters are almost all gone) And of course, she hates them. When she's in her moods she hates ANYTHING that limits mobility, and will just scream and throw her back out. With that said I couldn't just put her in her walker. She screamed. So I put some Cheerios on the front to distract her. I don't exactly know what goes on in the minds of a baby, but I'm assuming when she saw them she just thought she was in Cheerio throwing heaven. Completely forgetting that Mommy wasn't holding her. Now don't get me wrong, I love my child more than anything else...
...but now I have this to clean.

Momma needs 
a break! :)

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